【导读】: 排名: Cambridge, Oxford, Durham, Nottingh
Cambridge, Oxford, Durham, Nottingham, University, College, Edinburgh, London, School of Queens, Belfast Glasgow, Strathclyde, Manchester, SOAS, Aberdeen, King's College, Bristol, Dundee, Warwick, Reading, Leicester, Birmingham, Leeds, Brunel, Kent, Exeter, Liverpool, Keele, Queen Mary, Sheffield, City, East Anglia, Cardiff.
法律专业硕士课程的几个适合中国学生选择的方向: International cooperate law, International Business/commercial Law, International criminal Law, International Trade Law. Technology, media and trade law, Maritime law。 Southampton开设有 maritime Law,英国大学中开设此专业的极少
入学条件:非转专业的法律硕士课程要求学生本科毕业,法律专业,排名靠前的学校要求国内本科就读院校为 211工程大学,平均分 80分左右。
另外, Bristol大学的法律专业为转专业课程,即要求申请者的专业背景为非法律专业 .个别大学不接受托福成绩,只接受雅思。例如, University of Sheffield
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