【导读】:美国著名院校University of south florida (usf) 南佛罗里达大学和Oregon state University (osu) 俄勒冈州立大学将于2011年7月4日来访威久,与家长和学生进行现场交流及面试。
2011“留美季” 与名校招生官相逢在威久
Oregon state University (osu) 俄勒冈州立大学 Ms. Lindy Osborne
Lindy Osborne
Marketing and Communications Coordinator
INTO Oregon State University
Lindy Osborne began her career with INTO OSU in June of 2009 and quickly realized
that she had found her true calling working with international students. A graduate of
Oregon State University in science (2004), she previously worked in the Department of
Forest Science at OSU and pursued a brief career in the healthcare field. It was her
love of travel that sparked her interest in international programs, and inspired her to
seek a job working with international students.
Since that time, she has enjoyed welcoming students to OSU, assisting them with any
and all challenges they face, getting to know them and creating recruitment materials to
motivate more students to apply to OSU. She loves Corvallis and her Alma mater,
OSU, so much that it’s easy for her to tell students all about the town and the campus.
A resident of Corvallis for nearly 12 years now, she enjoys being able to ride her bike to
work everyday, gardening, and playing the guitar.
University of south florida (usf) 南佛罗里达大学 Ms. Sarah Kay
Sarah Kay
Marketing and Communications Coordinator
INTO University of South Florida
Sarah was born and raised in Sheffield, England but moved to the United States when she was 13 years old to play tennis and has stayed there ever since. She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from The University of Wyoming, and her MBA from the University of South Florida. Sarah is currently pursuing her Ph. D in Curriculum and Instruction – Higher Education Administration from USF. Sarah has traveled to many countries throughout the world and loves the opportunity to work with international students as she can relate to how they feel moving to a new country and having to adjust to a variety of things.
Sarah began her career with INTO USF in March of 2010, but had helped organize the FAM visit to USF as the INTO USF partnership was announced in January 2010. Sarah had worked on USF’s campus since 2002, mostly in the Athletics department, but was eager for a change and wanted to help international student reach their educational goals.
Sarah has thoroughly enjoyed seeing our first group of pathway students arrive in the fall, getting to know them, and see them mature in their time here as they progress from INTO to USF. She works closely with the students, staff and administration at USF to prepare marketing and recruiting materials to encourage more international students to come to USF, but living in Tampa, Florida there are so many amazing things for students to do here her job is made easier! In her free time when she’s not studying for her Ph.D, she enjoys playing tennis, running, biking and golfing.
★ 美国教育体制和美国留学的核心价值
★ 国际生如何规划在美国的学习和生活?
★ 中国学生如何在美国大学拿到高GPA?
★ 如何聪明地选修本科课程?
★ 在美国大学,个人核心竞争力及综合素质如何塑造?
★ INTO OSU 课程设置如何帮助学生提高个人竞争实力?
★ 国际生如何利用假期时间修读学分和赢得宝贵的工作经验?
★ 现场面试:University of south florida (usf) 南佛罗里达大学和Oregon state University (osu) 俄勒冈州立大学招生官员现场面试
University of south florida (usf) 南佛罗里达大学
-USF 孔子学院是美国64家孔子学院孔子课堂之一
- NASA(美国航空航天局)就在附近,当地有很多宇航产业链相关的公司,提供工程专业学生实习
南佛罗里达大学University of South Florida建于1956年,是于20世纪创建的新型大学。南佛罗里达大学University of South Florida仅用40多年的时间便从开始的2000名学生发展到拥有3.5万名学生的大学,成为全美20所最大的大学之一,而且仍在不断的发展。学生中拉丁美洲和亚洲学生占26%,研究生占17%,职业学位教学计划占12%。南佛罗里达大学University of South Florida由10个学院组成,其中文理学院为最大,有学生12500多人,相当于一般的综合性大学的规模。 南佛罗里达大学University of South Florida坐落在佛罗里达州的Tampa Bay。Tampa的主校园占地1700英亩,另外2个校园为St. Perterburg和Lakeland校园。
南佛罗里达大学专业设置 财经类、法律、纺织与服装、工程技术、管理、环境、建筑、教育、理科学、旅游、农林类、人文艺术、社科类、生物、体育、新闻传播、信息科学、医学、语言、自然科学。
Oregon state University (osu) 俄勒冈州立大学
Oregon state University (osu) 俄勒冈州立大学
俄勒冈州立大学俄勒冈州立大学(简称OSU)成立于1868年,是州内历史最悠久的州立大学。提供的学科课程多达90项,其中以农科和工程最为突出,近年来,商科、计算机科学、药剂学和兽医学也有相当多同学申请入读。《The College Guide》指出,学生选读的最多学科,依次是商科管理(18%)、工程(12%)、社会科学(11%)、文科(8%)和健康科学(5%)。
俄勒冈州立大学坐落于科瓦利斯市,该城市连续名列美国“最佳居住城市”之一,同时享有全美“最注重环境及最安全城市”的称号,犯罪率低,其距波特兰和波特兰国际机场约1小时20分钟路程,交通便捷,是一个振奋人心的生活和学习的胜地和户外活动的天堂。OSU有两万多名在校生,其中有约不到5%的国际生,OINTO OSU大学本科快捷课程设立在该大学中心,国际学生可以完全融入与当地一年级学生共同的学习环境和学术氛围。
俄勒冈州立大学是培养众多杰出人物的摇篮,这里曾诞生诸多优秀的毕业学生、著名校友 —— 包括到目前为止唯一一个两次获得诺贝尔化学奖与和平奖的Linus Pauling;美国国家科学院院士Paul Hugh Emmett以及Wayne L. Hubbell;美国国家科学院董事会主席Milton Harris;美国国家工程学院院士Octave Levenspiel;电脑鼠标的发明者Douglas C. Engelbart;美国宇航局国际空间站宇航员William Anthony Oefelein和Donald Roy Pettit;Nvidia公司合创人及CEO Jen-Hsun Huang;U-Haul 运输公司创始人Leonard Samuel Shoen;E-Trade的创始人Bernard A. Newcomb;Leatherman工具限公司创始人Timothy S. Leatherman;美国现任参议员John Ensign; 普利策奖获得者Chris Anderson、George Oppen以及Roger Werth;奥斯卡奖获得者Harley Jessup。OSU校友中还有15名奥林匹克运动会奖章获得者,包括1968年夏季奥林匹克运动会跳高金牌获得者Richard Douglas Fosbury;1924年夏季奥林匹克运动会摔跤金牌获得者Robin Reed等。在这里,你可充分感受其学术的多元化。
更多美国大学入学要求及专业设置详情,请致电威久美国留学:010-68946699 转 美国部
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