【导读】: 威久留学澳洲部日前接到来自 昆士兰大学 UQ商科Postgraduate Co
威久留学澳洲部日前接到来自昆士兰大学UQ商科Postgraduate Commerce programs-Commerce suite (Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, Masters, Masters Advanced) 课程的重要消息。
1)商科Commerce suite (Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, Masters, Masters Advanced) 课程2011年,Semester 1课程的申请截止日期为5月4日。
2)2010年7月的Commerce suite (Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, Masters, Masters Advanced) 已经不再接受付费。
3)2011年Semester 1开始Master of Commerce /Master of Commerce (Advanced)的入学要求如下:(注意:在提交申请的时候没有IELTS成绩的话,学校将不发conditional offer。)
Semester 1, 2011 and for all future intakes--
·The academic entry requirements have been amended as per the below table.
UQ DegreeChinese Bachelor degree with average grade greater than or equal to (60% is a pass)
Master of Commerce
Master of Commerce (Advanced)75% (for 211 Universities or partners)
85% (for non 211 Universities)
·The English language requirement has increased for ALL programs within the Faculty to an overall IELTS score of 6.5 with a minimum score of 6.0 in all sub-bands (or equivalent).
·Students applying for either the Master of Commerce or Master of Commerce (Advanced) are required to submit an English test result (IELTS/TOEFL) with their application in order to be eligible for an offer to UQ. Conditional offers will not be issued if applications are not accompanied with an English test result (IELTS/TOEFL) at the time of submission.
·Conditional eCOEs can continue to be issued as per existing procedures.
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