【导读】:5月21日英国的Cranfield University的校方 Mr. Tim Brewer MSc BSc (Hons) SFHEA 将要拜访我们的威久北京总部,对学生进行培训和面试。有意向的同学千万不要错过机会!
5月21日英国的Cranfield University的校方 Mr. Tim Brewer MSc BSc (Hons) SFHEA 将要拜访我们的威久北京总部,对学生进行培训和面试。有意向的同学千万不要错过机会!
活动时间:5月21日 上午10:00-12:00
预约电话:010-68946699 / 010-53267000 在线预约报名>>>
MSc Atmospheric Emission Technology
MSc Geographical Information Management
MSc Environmental Management for Business
MSc Cleantech Entrepreneurship
MSc Environmental Engineering
MSc Land Reclamation and Restoration
面试官:Mr. Tim Brewer MSc BSc (Hons) SFHEA
Mr. Tim Brewer MSc BSc (Hons) SFHEA
Mr Brewer is a Senior Lecturer in Resource Survey at Cranfield University, UK. He is currently Acting Director of Education for the School of Water, Energy and Environment and he is also the Programme Director for the Environment Programme group of six Master of Science courses. Both of these roles require the oversight of the planning, delivery and assessment of postgraduate education within the School of Water, Energy and Environment.
He has more than 30 years’ experience in the following areas of expertise: developing geospatial training courses, deriving map based products from Geographic Information Systems (GIS), water harvesting suitability analysis using GIS, developing customised GIS solutions; mapping land cover/use by image interpretation within the UK and overseas; ground surveys in support of land cover classification; topographic mapping using analogue and softcopy photogrammetry, GPS survey, erosion survey and risk assessment.
He has extensive experience in developing training materials for long and short courses in image interpretation and GIS. Courses have been run in the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan as well as the UK.
克兰菲尔德大学(Cranfield University),1969年创立于英国英格兰,全欧洲唯一拥有机场的大学。被誉为英国“中科院”,仅培养研究生和博士生的英国TOP5研究型大学(与剑桥大学、牛津大学、帝国理工学院和伦敦大学学院并列),因不颁予大学学士学位,故类不参与众多排行榜排名。
克兰菲尔德管理学院稳定高居英国前五位置,在全英商学院排名中位于第二位,仅次于伦敦商学院,福布斯国际最佳商学院排名TOP10。是英国更顶尖的商学院之一,取得三重商学院认证(AACSB、AMBA、EQUIS)的商学院之一。其物流与供应链管理学系(Logistic and Supply Chain Management)位列全球第7名,欧洲第1名,全英第1名;管理学(Management)位列全球第7名,全英第1名;金融管理(Finance and Management)位列全球第29名,全英第6名;战略营销学(Strategic Marketing)位列英国前3名。
克兰菲尔德大学在2017《金融时报》公布最新MBA For Economics中荣膺全球第1名;2016年《彭博商业周刊》最佳国际商学院:全英第4名,全球第14名;2016年《Poets&Quants》最佳国际商学院:全球第13名;曾4次获得女王周年奖;2014年REF评估中有81%的研究被评为“世界领先”或“国际杰出”。
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