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一 、哥伦比亚大学
(1) 新闻学院 :新闻学院只开设新闻学硕士(MA/MS in Journalism) 和传播学博士(Phd in Communication) 而新闻学申请难度很大 所以要想申请哥大的新闻学一定慎重考虑。
(2)职业进修学院 School of Professional Studies,缩写SPS
专业:战略传播 Strategic Communication 这个项目录取难度要小一些 可以考虑
申请截止时间:1.15 3.15 5.15 要求托福100+ 马上在线咨询>>>
二、 西北大学
麦迪尔新闻学院(Medill School of Journalism)
整合营销传播(Master of Science in Integrated Marketing Communications)
西北大学整合营销传播硕士(Master of Science in Integrated Marketing Communications)为期15个月(全日制),共5个Quarter,该项目还有非全日制和远程教育项目;要求申请者本科毕业,不限专业背景,被录取的学生多拥有以下专业背景,如传播学、广告学、市场营销、商学、经济学与新闻学,不要求但建议拥有相关领域工作经验,新生中约2/3的学生有相关工作经验,本科毕业后计划直接入读该项目的申请者,需拥有优秀的本科成绩,要求参加受邀面试,如无法参加校园面试,需参加视频面试。国际学生可申请Merit-based奖学金,无需单独申请。该项目每年招约124人。
Core courses
Consumer Insight
Financial Accounting
IMC Strategic Process
Marketing Management
Statistics and Marketing Research
Elective courses
Analytic Techniques
Brand Communication Decisions
Brand Equity
Building Brands with Creative Ideas
Communications and Content Marketing
Consumer Insight for Digital Experiences
Crisis Communications
Customer Value Innovation
Data Governance: Critical Issues in Digital Marketing Communications
Data Management
Digital Analytics
Digital, Social and Mobile Marketing
Digital Strategy
Entertainment Marketing and Analytics
Global Brand Communication Management
Global Perspectives
IMC Law, Policy and Ethics
IMC Leadership
Internal Communications
International Enterprise IMC Innovation (Chile)
Introduction to MarTech
Introduction to Strategic Communications
Investor Relations
Machine Learning for IMC
Media Economics and Technology
Managing Integration
Marketing Mix Analysis
Marketing Public Relations
Marketing Technologies
Media Automation
Media Strategy
Practicum in Media and Technology
Segmentation and Lifetime Value
Shopper Marketing
Social Media
Sports Marketing
Strategic Planning in an E-Commerce Environment
Technology and Innovation Trends: A Primer for Marketers
品牌战略(brand strategy)
内容营销(content marketing)
数字与交互(digital and interactive marketing )
市场分析(marketing analytics)
媒介战略(media strategy)
战略沟通(strategic communications)
申请要求: 官网无具体分数要求马上在线咨询>>>
三、 南加州大学
传播管理 Communication Management
数字社会媒体 Digital Social Media
全球传播 Global Communication 在伦敦和洛杉矶上课
新闻学 Journalism
战略公共关系 Strategic Public Relations
我重点向你推荐的是传播管理 学制1年,共需修读32个学分,要求申请者拥有本科学历,不限专业背景。马上在线咨询>>>
市场传播(Marketing Communication)
数字与娱乐管理(Media & Entertainment Management)
健康与社会变革传播(Health & Social Change Communication)
国际与跨文化传播(International & Intercultural Communication)
新传播技术(New Communication Technologies)
组织与战略企业传播(Organizational & Strategic Corporate Communication)
截止时间:1.1 (9.1开通申请)
Marketing Communication
The Marketing Communication track focuses on the management of business communication with customers, clients and general consumers outside the organization. It is particularly valuable for individuals with career interests in marketing and sales, publicity and promotions, market research, marketing management, social marketing, advertising, public relations, public communication campaigns, and public or community affairs.
Media & Entertainment Management
This Media and Entertainment track is for students who wish to pursue or expand careers in media and entertainment fields. Students will study the increasing complex possibilities afforded by the convergence and globalization of media and entertainment.
Health & Social Change Communication
The Health and Social Change Communication track centers on how to influence positive behavioral and social change through effective communication messages and campaigns. Topics covered in the courses in this track include audience analysis, marketing communication and the selection of media channels. It is particularly valuable for individuals with career interests in the health, non-profit and public sectors.
International & Intercultural Communication
The International and Intercultural Communication track is for students who wish to pursue or expand careers in international and intercultural communication management. Students will study the latest developments in communication technologies, organizations, industries, and markets in cross-national, cross-cultural contexts.
New Communication Technologies
This certificate program is for students holding Master's degrees who wish to deepen their understanding of new communication technologies’ impact on individual, organizations, and markets. Students will study foundational concepts and theories surrounding technologies, as well as the latest developments in the field.
Organizational & Strategic Corporate Communication
This track examines both the communication functions as well as the process of communication within organizations. It is particularly valuable for individuals with careers and/or career interests in human resource management, corporate communication, strategic planning, operations management, communication consulting, and other general management functions.
王紫光老师,本科中国人民大学 研究生乔治华盛顿大学金融专业毕业,威久美国部高端组核心成员,公司VIP客户指定接待顾问。高中、本科、硕士、博士都有非常丰富的申请经验和操作案例,属于行业中为数不多的“全能型咨询顾问”。
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