【导读】:巴斯大学(University of Bath)是一所以科研为向导的英国顶尖名校,科研实力被评定为世界领先 。巴斯大学管理学院被公认为英国最好的商学院之一, 在业界有极高的声誉。10月12日,巴斯大学将到访威久留学北京总部,并现场面试对该校有意向的学生,大家抓住机会哦。
活动时间:10月12日 14:00-16:00
活动内容:面试 (Virginia英文面试所有学生,Simone仅可英文面试Science的学生)
面试官:Virginia Irwin (Deputy Head of International Student Recruitment) 、 Simone (Professor of Science)
Virginia Irwin
Virginia Irwin MA MBA has worked as Deputy Head of International Student Recruitment at the University of Bath since 2007. She is the country manager for mainland China and Hong Kong and is responsible for talking to Chinese students about all aspects of their plans to study at the University: the programmes and entry requirements, admissions processes, fees and funding and all the practical aspects of taking this big decision. She also works with our representatives in China and with the academic and professional staff of the University to help them understand about Chinese education and she manages most of the University’s post-graduate international scholarship schemes.
Simone Dumergue is the Marketing & Communications Manager for the Faculty of Science at the University of Bath. She joined the University in January 2015, drawing on a 20 year career in marketing across a range of difference sectors as diverse as the food industry, education, software, scientific research and charity work.Simone leads the Faculty of Science’s marketing and web team which is responsible for the Faculty’s marketing activities, digital presence and events. Her own area of focus is on providing strategic marketing advice, driving new initiatives to support recruitment efforts within the Faculty, and undertaking market analysis to guide and shape the development of new courses.
巴斯大学是全英前10的著名学府,历年最高排名全英第4(分别于2003年和2015年) 。成立于1966年,现任校监为女王伊丽莎白二世的三子 - 爱德华王子, 威塞克斯伯爵 。大学位于英格兰南部的世界遗产城市-巴斯。根据英国各媒体近十年公布的英国大学排行榜,巴斯大学被稳固的确立为英国排行前十的大学。
巴斯大学(University of Bath)是一所以科研为向导的英国顶尖名校,科研实力被评定为世界领先 。巴斯大学管理学院被公认为英国最好的商学院之一, 在业界有极高的声誉,每年有大量本科毕业生进入伦敦顶级投行工作,在2016年完全大学指南排名中位居第1位。
巴斯大学管理学院在2014年经济学人全球商学院排名中位居第20位,仅次于伦敦商学院;巴斯大学的 EMBA 被经济学人评定为全球第11,欧洲第5,全英第2 。
excellent sport facilities完全大学指南(2015)将巴斯大学的会计与金融(Accounting and Finance)专业排名全英第一,商科(Business & Management Studies)排在全英第一。
巴斯大学共有四个学院:工程和设计学院、人文和社会科学学院、理学院和管理学院。[22] 各学院下属科系组成如下:
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