住宿 |
Meal Plan 餐费 Price 价格 Meal Plan A (575 points): $ 575 Meal Plan B (1,100 points): $ 1,210 Meal Plan C (1,350 points): $ 1,440 Meal Plan D (1,600 points): $ 1,730 Meal Plan E (1,850 points): $ 2,015 本科生住宿UNDERGRADUATE HOUSING: Residence Hall 住宿楼 Price价格 Shared room 合住 $ 4,030 Private room:单人间 $ 5,060 Apartment 公寓 Price Lovernich shared bedroom: $ 4,135 Honors Community private bedroom: $ 5,805 研究生住宿GRADUATE HOUSING: Apartment 公寓 Price价格 Private room (Business & Management): $ 5,500 Private room (Education & Psychology): $ 5,500 Private room (Law): $ 6,335 Private room (Public Policy): $ 5,500 Private room (Seaver Graduate): $ 5,875 已婚住宿MARRIED HOUSING: Apartment Price Fall (August - December) $ 7,962.50 Spring (January - April) $ 6,370.00 Summer (May - July) $ 4,777.50 学校网站:http://www.pepperdine.edu/ 咨询电话:010-68946699 |
申请要求和费用 |
成绩要求 toefl(网考)80GPA3.75 GRE GMAT SAT Math627SAT Verbal621 SAT总分1248ACT27 费用预算 本科学费/年$32620硕士学费$32620 本科总费用/年$44540硕士总费用/年$44540 录取比30.97% 截止日期:1月15日 |
交通 |
重要机场 洛杉矶都会区 洛杉矶国际机场(LAX)─联合航空及美国航空转运中心,美国最繁忙的国际线机场,航线以美洲、东亚及纽澳为主。 安大略国际机场(ONT) 旧金山湾区 旧金山国际机场(SFO)─联合航空及维珍美国航空转运中心 圣荷西国际机场(SJC) 奥克兰国际机场(OAK) 圣地牙哥都会区 圣地牙哥国际机场(SAN) 重要高速公路 南北纵向高速公路自东往西有 US-395 CA-99 I-5 US-101 CA-1 南加州的纵向高速公路在 US-395 以东还有 I-15 东西横向高速公路自南往北有 I-8 I-10 I-40 接 CA-58 接 CA-46 I-580 接 CA-120 I-80 |
教育 |
公立大学 加利福尼亚大学(University of California) 柏克莱加州大学(University of California, Berkeley) 戴维斯加州大学(University of California, Davis) 尔湾加州大学(University of California, Irvine) 洛杉矶加州大学(University of California, Los Angeles) 美熹德加州大学(University of California, Merced) 河滨加州大学(University of California, Riverside) 圣地牙哥加州大学(University of California, San Diego) 旧金山加州大学(University of California, San Francisco) 圣塔芭芭拉加州大学(University of California, Santa Barbara) 圣塔克鲁兹加州大学(University of California, Santa Cruz) 加利福尼亚州立大学(California State University) California State University, Bakersfield California State University, Channel Islands California State University, Chico California State University, Dominguez Hills California State University, East Bay California State University, Fresno California State University, Fullerton Humboldt State University California State University, Long Beach California State University, Los Angeles California Maritime Academy California State University, Monterey Bay California State University, Northridge California State Polytechnic University, Pomona California State University, Sacramento California State University, San Bernardino 圣地牙哥州立大学(San Diego State University) 旧金山州立大学(San Francisco State University) 圣荷西州立大学(San Jose State University) California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona California State University, San Marcos Sonoma State University California State University, Stanislaus 加利福尼亚社区学院(California Community Colleges) 加州各地都设有社区学院,其中较著名的有: Los Angeles City College (LACC) DeAnza College Foothill College Sacramento City College 私立大学 加州理工学院(CalTech) Pepperdine University 斯坦福大学(Stanford University) 南加州大学(University of Southern California) |
概述 |
加利福尼亚州(State of California,通常简称为加州)是美国西部太平洋岸边的一个州,在面积上是全美第三大州,人口上是全美第一大州。加利福尼亚无论是在地理、地貌、物产、还是人口构成上都十分多样化。由于早年的淘金热,加州有一个别名叫做金州 (The Golden State),邮政缩写是CA。 位于美国西部,美国经济最发达、人口最多的州。南邻墨西哥,西濒太平洋。别称黄金州。面积 41.1 万平方千米 。人口 2983.9 万(1990 ),城市人口占91.3%,主要集中在太平洋沿岸地区 ,其中 50% 聚居在洛杉矶和圣弗朗西斯科(旧金山)一带。拥有全国50%以上的华裔和墨西哥裔美国人(契卡诺人)。圣弗朗西斯科的唐人街是华人最密集的居住区。首府萨克拉门托。 海岸线长2030千米 ,较平直 。由东部内华达山脉 、中央谷地及西部海岸山脉组成。地理条件相差悬殊。南部沙漠缺雨 ,北部沿海冬季因雨雪多发生水灾 。西北部降水量高达4420 毫米,东南部科罗拉多沙漠仅 50~75 毫米。在相距不到140千米的地方 ,坐落着海拔4418米的惠特尼山和-86 米的死谷,分别是美国本土的最高点和最低点。夏季,东南部科罗拉多沙漠的温度高达54℃,冬季内华达山巅冷似北极。 原为印第安人聚居地 。1769 年为西班牙殖民地 。1822年归属墨西哥。1848年归属美国。同年发现金矿,持续 7 年的淘金热使人口急增,城市迅速发展。1850年加入联邦,成为美国第三十一州。1869年横贯美国大陆的铁路通车,将本州与其他州连接起来。19世纪末,洛杉矶地区石油的发现和开采,使工业迅速发展。第二次世界大战后,新兴工业兴起,农业也因北水南调工程的建成而发达,经济实力及人口跃居前列。 农业最发达的州。农业用地占全州30%。主要为灌溉农业。农牧产品多达几百种。甘蔗、蔬菜、水果产量居全国突出地位,棉花产量第二;稻米产量第二;为全国重要的牛奶、蛋、肉产区;中央谷地是最富庶的农业地带。林业发达,为全国三大木材生产州之一。渔业产值全国第一,圣弗朗西斯科、圣迭戈及圣佩德罗为重要渔港。 制造业发达,部门齐全,产品种类繁多,产值及就业人数均居全国第一。主要有航天、电子等新兴部门及炼油、石化、军火、食品加工、造纸、印刷业等。矿业中石油和天然气开采占总产值的2/3。洛杉矶地区为西部最大的制造业中心,以航天及石油开采业为主;产值约占全州50%;圣弗朗西斯科及圣迭戈也是重要的制造业中心。硅谷圣克拉拉谷地以电子工业发达着称,中央谷地为食品加工业中心。高速公路网络密布,长度居全国第二。为 3 条横贯大陆铁路干线的西部端点。萨克拉门托河三角洲上河网密布、水运发达。洛杉矶和圣弗朗西斯科是重要的国际航空港。 旅游业兴旺。迷人的海滩、宜人的气候、优良的设施 、便捷的交通使游客云集。有多座美术馆、享有国际声誉的旧金山歌剧团及洛杉矶交响乐队、影都好莱坞及加州大学等文教机构。 地理 加利福尼亚州森林覆盖情况加利福尼亚州与太平洋、俄勒冈州、内华达州、亚利桑那州和墨西哥的下加利福尼亚州接壤。加利福尼亚拥有多样的自然景观,包括壮丽的峡谷、高山和干燥的沙漠。加州面积四十一万平方公里,是美国第三大州。大多数大城市位于太平洋沿岸较凉爽的地带,包括了旧金山、洛杉矶和圣地亚哥。 地貌内华达山位于加州中部和东部,其中的惠特尼峰(Mount Whitney)海拔4,418米,是美国本土最高点。全球著名的优圣美地国家公园也位于该区域,此外还有一个很深的淡水湖――太浩湖。内华达山的东部是重要的海鸟[FS:PAGE]栖息地欧文斯峡谷和蒙罗湖。 在南部有横岭和一个咸水湖沙顿海。位于中南部的一块沙漠叫作莫哈韦沙漠。莫哈韦沙漠的东南面有死亡谷,这里有北美最低点。 加利福尼亚由于位于圣安德利亚断层,因此经常发生地震。虽然美国的地震大部分发生在阿拉斯加和密西西比河流域,加州的地震往往会造成更大损失,因为这里的人口密度十分高。 加州南部为热带沙漠气候,气温变化较大,年降雨为10英寸。沿海地区则为地中海型气候,冬湿夏燥。加州境内的高上,包括内华达山是高山气候,冬天降雪,夏天并不很热。 人口 2000年加州人口为33,871,648人,占全美的12%,为美国人口第一大州。 人口普查结果显示,加州没有一个占多数的族群。白种人依然是最大族群,但是已经不占多数。西班牙裔人几乎占到总人口的三分之一;其他族群依次是亚裔、非洲裔和印地安人。由于西班牙裔移民人口的迅速增长和高生育率,西班牙裔预计将在2040年左右成为加州最大族群。 经济 加利福尼亚GDP占到全美的14%,经济规模达到1.56万亿美元,要比除美国、日本、德国、英国、中华人民共和国和法国之外任何国家的都大,人均GDP达四万六千馀美元。 加利福尼亚州电力资源图加利福尼亚经济的主体是农业(包括水果、蔬菜、牛奶制品和酒),农业规模是第二大产业的两倍多。农业之后其他重要的产业包括航空、娱乐(主要是电视,虽然加州也出品很多电影)和轻工业,包括计算机硬件和软件,以及硼砂开采. 人均收入因地区和职业的不同而有巨大分化。在中部人均收入最悬殊,移民的农场工人收入低于美国最低工资保障线,而农民则经常拥有上百万美元的私人农场。大多数农场经理受过良好教育,大多数至少拥有硕士学位。虽然一些城市的人均收入是全美最高的,在一些非农群县却有全美最高的贫穷人口比例。在硅谷的高科技产业目前正处于低谷,主要是受到网络泡沫破灭的影响,但是这些地区的医疗产业、电子游戏产业和动画产业正在快速成长。 加利福尼亚经济的一个大问题是制造业的缺乏。7.25%的销售税使得在该州设立工厂变得很不划算。主要的制造商,如航空业也正在计划搬离加州。多年以来加州已经没有新的工厂设立,使得很多高收入的制造业工作丧失。这意味著该州的中产阶级大多是小企业主和建筑及运输工人,以及小部分有知识的工人――几乎是以服务业为主。 加利福尼亚财团 California Financial Group, 美国十大财团之一。第二次世界大战后崛起的新兴大财团,包括美洲银行集团、旧金山集团及格杉矶集团。这三个集团的经济实力在第二次世界大战期间,随着加利福尼亚州军火工业的迅速发展而获得急剧增长,特别是金融资本的增长速度尤为惊人,形成以美洲银行为金融中心的大财团。1974年拥有资产1671亿美元,在美国十大财团中居第三位,在美国的政治、经济生活中起着主要作用。它与南部财团组成一股新兴的军火工业集团势力,成为与东北部老财团相抗衡的力量。 历史 在英国伊丽莎白时期,著名的海盗弗朗西斯•德雷克爵士占领了新西班牙和新墨西哥北部所有的土地,成为英国的殖民地。虽然早在17世纪英国人的殖民地已经是“从大海到大海”,英国人对北美西岸的土地并没有多少兴趣。到18世纪末,西班牙传教士逐渐开始在西属加利福尼亚北部广博的土地上建立起定居点。当墨西哥从西班牙独立后,这些传教士定居点也成为了墨西哥政府的财产,但是很快就被遗弃。 西班牙帝国在北美洲西北部的领土被命名为“加利福尼亚”。1847年的美墨战争后,这片领土由美国和墨西哥分割。墨西哥所得到的那部分领土后来成了下加利福尼亚(Baja California),而美国所获得的上加利[FS:PAGE]福尼亚则在1850年正式加入联邦,成为今天的加利福尼亚州。 1848年,上加利福尼亚的西班牙裔人口大约为4,000人。但是当加利福尼亚发现黄金的消息传开后,无数美国人和欧洲人在淘金热中涌向加利福尼亚,加利福尼亚共和国也随之宣告成立。当美国海军将领约翰•斯洛特(John D. Sloat)从旧金山湾进入加利福尼亚后,这个年轻的共和国被宣布成为美国的领土。1850年,加利福尼亚正式成为联邦的第31个州。 在美国内战期间,加州内部关于是加入北方军还是南方军发生分歧,虽然最终加州支持北方军,很多加州人依然参加了南方志愿军。 1870年代第一条贯穿美国的铁路的开通将太平洋沿岸的人们与美国其他地方连接起来。加州当地人也逐渐发现,加州的气候十分适合农作物的生长,特别是橘子。直到今天加州的农业产量依然丰富。 1900至1965年间,加州人口从不到100万人发展成为美国人口最多的一个州。1965年至今人口成分已经发生了巨大变化,今天的加州是全球人口最多样化的一个地区。加州居民在政治上倾向自由。加州是美国的科技和文化中心,世界影视中心,以及美国农业大州。 法律与政府 加利福尼亚州州长(Governor)、副州长(Lieutenant Governor)、州务卿(Secretary of State)、 阿诺德•施瓦辛格——加州州长司法部长(Attorney General)、审计长(State Controller)、财政部长(State Treasurer)、保险局长(Insurance Commissioner)、教育厅长(State Superintendent of Public Instruction)、和公平委员会委员(Member of the Board of Equalization)为直接民选的州职,任期为四年而且只能连任一次。 加州的立法机构由一个40人的加州参议院(California State Senate)和80人的加利福尼亚州议会(California State Assembly)组成。参议员任期4年,每2年改选半数参议员。议会成员任期2年。在2003-2004会期期间,议会内共有48名民主党议员和32名共和党议员,参议院内则有25名民主党参议员和15名共和党参议员。 目前加利福尼亚州的州府位于萨克拉门托,历史上州府曾设在蒙特利(1775-1849)、圣荷西(1849-1851)、委利贺(1853-1853)、贝尼西亚(1854-1854)和旧金山(1862)。1894年2月25日州府正式迁移到萨克拉门托。 在全国,加利福尼亚拥有2名参议员和53名众议员代表。在美国选举人中,加利福尼亚拥有55张选举人票。加利福尼亚拥有最多的众议员和总统选举人票。 国家公园 红木林国家公园(Redwoods National Park) 拉森火山国家公园(Lassen Volcanic National Park) 优胜美地国家公园(Yosemite National Park) 三王峡谷国家公园(Kings Canyon National Park) 红杉国家公园(Sequoia National Park) 死亡谷国家公园(Death Valley National Park) 约书亚树国家公园(Joshua Tree National Park) 海峡群岛国家公园(Channel Islands National Park) 重要城市 洛杉矶(Los Angeles) 好莱坞(Hollywood) 阿罕布拉(Alhambra) 安那罕(Anaheim) 比华利山庄(Beverley Hills) 大熊湖Big Bear City 康普顿(Compton) 科斯塔梅萨(Costa Mesa) 长滩(Long Beach) 马利布(Malibu) Marina del Rey 蒙特利公园(Monterey Park) 帕萨迪纳(Pasadena) 波莫纳(Pomona) 河滨市Riverside 柔似蜜Rosemead 圣贝纳迪诺(San Bernardino) 圣费尔南多谷(San Fernando Valley) 圣加夫列夫尔(San Gabriel) 圣安那(Santa Ana) 圣莫尼卡(Santa Monica) 托兰斯(Torrance) 旧金山湾区 旧金山(San Francisco) 奥克兰(Oakland) 红木城(Redwood City) 佛瑞蒙(Fremont) 库比蒂诺(Cupertino) 圣荷西(San José) 贝克斯菲尔德(Bakersfield) 尤里卡(Eureka) 佛列斯诺(Fresno) 塔霍湖(Lake Tahoe) 雷丁(Reddings) 沙加缅度(Sacramento) 圣地牙哥(San Diego) 史托克顿(Stockton) 尤凯亚(Ukiah) |
加利福尼亚小档案 |
昵称: 黄金之州,金州(The Golden State) 州府:萨克拉门托 (Sacramento) 最大的城市: 洛杉矶 (Los Angeles) 州长: 阿诺德•施瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger) 官方语言:英语 面积:410,000 平方公里 (排名美国第三) - 陆地 404,298 平方公里 - 水域 20,047 平方公里 (4.7%) 人口总数:(2000年) 33,871,648人 (排名美国第一) 人口密度: 83.85 人/平方公里 (排名美国第十二) 联邦的日期:1850年9月9日,第31个加入美国联邦 时区: Pacific: UTC-8/-7 纬度: 32°30''N to 42°N 经度 :114°8''W to 124°24''W 宽度 : 400公里 长度 : 1,240 公里 海拔 : 最高 4421米,平均 884米 ,最低 -86米 缩写:- 邮政 CA , - ISO US-CA 网站: www.state.ca.us |
院系专业 |
Theology/Theological Studies神学/神学研究 Technology/Industrial Arts Teacher Education科技/工业工艺师范教育 Speech and Rhetorical Studies修辞学和演说学 Special Education and Teaching, General特殊教育教学 Spanish Language and Literature西班牙语言文学 Sociology社会学 Social Sciences, General社会科学 Religion/Religious Studies宗教/宗教学研究 Radio and Television广播与电视 Public Relations & Organizational Commun.公共关系与共同组织 [FS:PAGE] Psychology, General心理学 Political Science and Government, General政治学及政府 Physical Education Teaching and Coaching体育教学辅导 Philosophy哲学 Music, General音乐 Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies, Other多学科研究 Mathematics and Computer Science数学与计算机科学 Management Information Systems, General管理信息系统 Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies自由艺术和科学 Law (LL.B., J.D.)法律 Journalism新闻学 International Relations and Affairs国际关系与国际事务 International Business/Trade/Commerce国际商业/贸易/商务 Industrial and Organizational Psychology工业与组织心理学 Humanities/Humanistic Studies人文研究 History, General历史 German Language and Literature德国语言文学 French Language and Literature法国语言文学 Foods, Nutrition, and Wellness Studies, General食品、营养与健康研究 English Language and Literature, General英语语言文学 Educational Leadership & Administration, General教育管理 Educational Administration and Supervision, Other教育管理和监督 Education, Other教育学及相关 Education, General教育学 Economics, General经济学 Early Childhood Education and Teaching幼儿教育 Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General话剧、戏剧/剧场艺术 Communications, Journalism, and Related Fields通讯、新闻及相关领域 Communications Studies/Speech Comm. & Rhetoric通讯研究 Clinical Psychology临床心理学 Chemistry, General化学 Business Admin. & Management, General工商管理 Biology/Biological Sciences, General生物学/生物科学 Athletic Training and Sports Medicine田径训练、运动医学 Art, General艺术 American/United States Studies/Civilization美洲/美国研究 Advertising广告学 Accounting会计 优势专业: 财经类、法律、纺织与服装、管理、教育、旅游、人文艺术、社科类、体育、新闻传播、语言 |
大学历史 |
History George Pepperdine (1886 - 1962) George Pepperdine was the founder and president of the Western Auto Supply Company which the newlywed alumnus of Parsons Business College in Kansas, at the age of 23, started with an initial investment of five dollars in 1909. In the following decades Mr. Pepperdine rode the wave to phenomenal business success providing quality automotive products and services via a network of hundreds of retail stores to an American nation just beginning its love affair with the automobile. He married Lena Rose Baker and in 1916 moved the family and business to Los Angeles for health reasons. Lena died in 1930 and Mr. Pepperdine remarried in 1934 to Helen Louise Davis. It is nothing unusual that the economic expansion of the early 20th century made many American entrepreneurs wealthy, but when wealth and success came to George Pepperdine, it came to man of deep Christian faith and a lifelong member of Churches of Christ. He had always exercised a spirit of generosity and charity, and was a man who understood himself as a steward and caretaker of the assets that God had entrusted to him. That sense of stewardship matured into a call of destiny when Mr. Pepperdine observed the alarming rate at which Christian young men and women lost interest in their faith after going on to higher education. He determined that he would dedicate his fortune to creating and endowing a college that would provide the best education possible, managed by administrators and taught by professors who would support students in their Christian belief. On September 21, 1937 (commemorated annually as Founder’s Day) George Pepperdine College was opened and dedicated, a mere seven months after Mr. Pepperdine had decided to go ahead with construction in February. In November of that same year, Mr. Pepperdine addressed the students and first set out what continues to guide Pepperdine University’s educational philosophy and policy to this day [see also Mr. Pepperdine’s dedicatory address]: There are many good colleges and universities which can give you standard academic training, but if our school does not give you more than that, it really has no reason to exist. The great difference between this college and other colleges is that we are endeavoring to place adequate emphasis and greater stress upon religious teaching and Christian character. We want to present to you, in teaching and example, the Christian way of life. We do not compel you to accept it. You are free to make your own choice, but we want you to know what it is. Mr. Pepperdine remained thoroughly involved with the college for the rest of his life, frequently being seen on campus with Mrs. Pepperdine, attending chapel, board meetings, school functions, and sporting events. He narrated his life story and his purposes for the college in his biography Faith is My Fortune (1959). Ge[FS:PAGE]orge Pepperdine died on July 31, 1962, his life an embodiment of Matthew 10:8 which has become the University’s motto: Freely ye received, freely give. Pepperdine University: A Brief Institutional History The First 50 Years (1937 - 1987) George Pepperdine College On September 21, 1937, the new campus of George Pepperdine College hosted 2,000 attendees gathered to witness the opening of the school. Speakers that day included California governor Frank Merriam, Los Angeles mayor Frank L. Shaw, the college’s first president Batsell Baxter, and founder George Pepperdine. Among the crowd were the college’s first students, 167 young men and women from 22 states and two foreign countries. Mr. Pepperdine clearly stated his intentions for the school on that day: “Our college is dedicated to a twofold objective: First, academic training in the liberal arts . . . Secondly, we are especially dedicated to a greater goal—that of building in the student a Christ-like life, a love for the church, and a passion for the souls of mankind.” The Los Angeles Campus The campus was located in the Vermont Knolls area of Los Angeles, a few miles south of downtown; formerly it had been a 34-acre estate with an 18-room mansion that had now been converted into the president’s residence. Four buildings had quickly risen that year: Baxter Hall, the men’s dormitory; Marilyn Hall, the women’s residence; an administration building housing classrooms, offices, a library, and an auditorium; and a dining hall. The campus architecture was built in the Streamline Moderne style, and all of the new buildings were painted a light blue which was later marketed in Los Angeles paint stores as “Pepperdine Blue.” Early Traditions Pepperdine’s school colors were adopted in 1937 after students voted to approve President Baxter’s suggestion of blue and orange; blue representing the Pacific Ocean, and orange representing California. Baxter also recommended “Waves” as the name for Pepperdine athletic teams to differentiate from other schools’ penchant for animal names. Even though the school was then miles from the ocean, it found approval and has characterized Pepperdine athletics ever since. During that first year, two students proposed Graphic as the name for the school newspaper as it contained the initials of George Pepperdine College (GPC), a name also continuing to this day. In 1937, tuition was low relative to other schools, thanks to Mr. Pepperdine’s initial endowment, with room, board, tuition, and fees amounting to $420. Those who today would be called “commuter” students were charged $135 for the year. By contrast, a hamburger and soft drink in the cafeteria cost 20 cents, a breakfast of eggs, hotcakes, and coffee, 30 cents. A Good Start The Baxter presidency was short by design, lasting only two years until his resignation [FS:PAGE]in June 1939, but his brief tenure which took advantage of his experience in presiding over two other Christian colleges, David Lipscomb College and Abilene Christian College, was characterized by creating sound academic and administrative foundations and thoughtful traditions. During the college’s first year of operation, only seven months after opening, Pepperdine received full accreditation from the Northwest Association, the regional accrediting authority. Baxter and dean Hugh Tiner, who succeeded Baxter as president, recruited a faculty of 22, of whom three held doctorates. And on June 6, 1938, after one year of operation, Pepperdine celebrated its first commencement awarding diplomas to a graduating class of four. In Fall 1944, the college began offering its first graduate degree, the master of arts in religion. Even before the offering of the MA degree, Pepperdine had already served as a training ground for persons entering the ministry. Sixty young ministers were listed as enrollees in March 1944, and several alumni entered the foreign mission field following WWII. Post-WWII Expansion In 1944, the 78th Congress passed the G.I. Bill subsidizing higher education and job training for returning WWII veterans, producing a profound, expansionary effect on higher education across America, in which Pepperdine College shared. Enrollments climbed from 824 enrolled in 1946, peaking at 1,830 in 1949. The following military conflict in Korea (which began in 1950) also affected American college male enrollment patterns positively due to the provision of college deferments in selective service. During this period the faculty grew from 67 (regular and adjunct) in 1946 to 116 in 1947. Number of degrees awarded annually at this time also swelled, with majors in business and education-psychology in the lead, topping out at 406 in 1950, eventually declining and stabilizing to approximately 200 a year through the mid-50s. President Tiner went on medical leave early in 1957 and shortly thereafter resigned. That July, educator and pastor M. Norvel Young, who had formerly served the college as a history professor from 1938 to 1941, was appointed third Pepperdine president. Young, in addition to an agenda to raise the academic prestige of the college, was an exceptionally gifted networker and fundraiser during whose tenure was built an infrastructure of support that would enable the growing school to move toward its developing concept of being |