I'd like to know whether it's worthwhile or not, widely-recognized or not in china to get a lla or llm in uk?
来源: 点击数: 录入时间:07-09-13 10:14:10

 I'd like to know whether it's worthwhile or not,widely-recognized or not in china to get a lla or llm in uk?
Zou WANG,an expert from Beijing Wiseway Consulting Company, said as following :

 Thank you for your enquiry! UK enjoys the highest reputation all around the world in the field of education. As for the study of law,I can't think another country which can compare to UK except US.If you have any further question, please don't hesitate to ask me.
TEL:010-68946699 EXT.217
EMAIL: wangzou@wiseway.com.cn

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