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2008最新美国 大学排名

https://www.wiseway.com.cn 发表于:08-09-28 13:27:22 浏览:693 来源:

1Princeton University (NJ)
2Harvard University (MA)
3Yale University (CT)
4California Institute of Technology
4Stanford University (CA)
4Massachusetts Inst. of Technology
7University of Pennsylvania
8Duke University (NC)
9University of Chicago
9Dartmouth College (NH)
9Columbia University (NY)
12Washington University in St. Louis
12Cornell University (NY)
14Northwestern University (IL)
15Brown University (RI)
16Johns Hopkins University (MD)
17Rice University (TX)
18Emory University (GA)
18Vanderbilt University (TN)
20University of Notre Dame (IN)
21University of California―Berkeley *
21Carnegie Mellon University (PA)
23Georgetown University (DC)
24University of Michigan―Ann Arbor *
24University of Virginia *
26Univ. of California―Los Angeles *
27Univ. of Southern California
27Tufts University (MA)
27U. of North Carolina―Chapel Hill *
30Wake Forest University (NC)
31Brandeis University (MA)
31College of William and Mary (VA) *
33Lehigh University (PA)
34Boston College
34New York University
34University of Rochester (NY)
34Univ. of Wisconsin―Madison *
38Univ. of California―San Diego *
38Georgia Institute of Technology *
38Case Western Reserve Univ. (OH)
41U. of Illinois―Urbana - Champaign *
42Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. (NY)
42University of Washington *
44University of California―Irvine *
44Tulane University (LA) 11
44Yeshiva University (NY)
47University of California―Davis *
47Univ. of California―Santa Barbara *
47University of Florida *
47Pennsylvania State U.―University Park *
47University of Texas―Austin *
52George Washington University (DC)
52Syracuse University (NY)
54Pepperdine University (CA)
54University of Miami (FL)
54Univ. of Maryland―College Park *
57Boston University
57Ohio State University―Columbus *
57University of Pittsburgh *
60University of Georgia *
60Rutgers―New Brunswick (NJ) *
60Miami University―Oxford (OH) *
60Texas A&M Univ.―College Station *
64Purdue Univ.―West Lafayette (IN) *
64University of Iowa *
64Worcester Polytechnic Inst. (MA)
67University of Connecticut *
67University of Delaware *
67Univ. of Minnesota―Twin Cities *
70Indiana University―Bloomington *
70Michigan State University *
70Fordham University (NY)
70Clemson University (SC) *
70Southern Methodist University (TX)
70Brigham Young Univ.―Provo (UT)
76Univ. of California―Santa Cruz *
77University of Colorado―Boulder *
77St. Louis University
77Stevens Institute of Technology (NJ)
77Virginia Tech *
81Iowa State University *
81Clark University (MA)
81North Carolina State U.―Raleigh *
81Baylor University (TX)
81Marquette University (WI)
86American University (DC)
86SUNY―Binghamton *
88Univ. of California―Riverside *
88University of Denver
88Howard University (DC)
88University of Kansas *
88Univ. of Missouri―Columbia *
88University of Tulsa (OK)
88University of Tennessee *
88University of Vermont *
88University of Alabama *
88Auburn University (AL) *
98University of Arizona *
98University of the Pacific (CA)
98Northeastern University (MA)
98Univ. of Massachusetts―Amherst *
98Univ. of Nebraska―Lincoln *
98SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry *
98SUNY―Stony Brook *
105University of San Diego
105Illinois Institute of Technology
105University of New Hampshire *
105University of Dayton (OH)
105Texas Christian University
110Florida State University *
110Ohio University *
112University of San Francisco
112Loyola University Chicago
112University of Kentucky *
112University of Missouri―Rolla *
112University of Oklahoma *
112Drexel University (PA)
112Univ. of South Carolina―Columbia *
112Washington State University *
120Catholic University of America (DC)
120University at Buffalo―SUNY *
120University of Oregon *
120University of Utah *
124Colorado State University *
124Kansas State University *
124New Jersey Inst. of Technology *

国家三级大学(共62所) , 按字母排列不分先后
125Adelphi University (NY)
Andrews University (MI)
Arizona State University *
Ball State University (IN) *
Bowling Green State University (OH) *
130Clarkson University (NY)
DePaul University (IL)
Duquesne University (PA)
East Carolina University (NC) *
Florida Institute of Technology
135George Mason University (VA) *
Hofstra University (NY)
Illinois State University *
Louisiana State U.―Baton Rouge *
Michigan Technological University *
140Mississippi State University *
N.M. Inst. of Mining and Tech. *
New School University (NY)
North Dakota State University *
Oklahoma State University *
145Oregon State University *
Pace University (NY)
Polytechnic University (NY)
Rutgers―Newark (NJ) *
SUNY―Albany *
150Seton Hall University (NJ)
South Dakota State University *
Southern Illinois U.―Carbondale *
St. John’s University (NY)
Temple University (PA) *
155Texas Tech University *
U. of Colo.―Denver and Health Sci. Center *
U. of Maryland―Baltimore County *
U. of North Carolina―Greensboro *
Univ. of Massachusetts―Lowell *
160Univ. of Missouri―Kansas City *
University of Alabama―Birmingham *
University of Alabama―Huntsville *
University of Arkansas *
University of Cincinnati *
165University of Hawaii―Manoa *
University of Idaho *
University of Illinois―Chicago *
University of La Verne (CA)
University of Louisville (KY) *
170University of Maine―Orono *
University of Mississippi *
University of Montana *
University of Nevada―Reno *
University of New Mexico *
175University of North Dakota *
University of Rhode Island *
University of South Dakota *
University of South Florida *
University of St. Thomas (MN)
180University of Texas―Dallas *
University of Wyoming *
Utah State University *
Virginia Commonwealth University *
West Virginia University *
Western Michigan University *
186Widener University (PA)
国家四级大学(共60所), 按字母排列不分先后
187Alabama A&M University *
Alliant International University (CA)
Biola University (CA)
190Central Michigan University *
Clark Atlanta University
Cleveland State University *
East Tennessee State University *
Florida Atlantic University *
195Florida International University *
Georgia State University *
Idaho State University *
Indiana State University *
Indiana U.-Purdue U.―Indianapolis *
200Indiana Univ. of Pennsylvania *
Jackson State University (MS) *
Kent State University (OH) *
Louisiana Tech University *
Middle Tennessee State Univ. *
Montana State University―Bozeman *
National-Louis University (IL)
New Mexico State University *
Northern Arizona University *
Northern Illinois University *
210Nova Southeastern University (FL)
Oakland University (MI) *
Old Dominion University (VA) *
Portland State University (OR) *
San Diego State University *
South Carolina State University *
Tennessee State University *
Texas A&M Univ.―Kingsville *
Texas A&M University―Commerce *
Texas Southern University 1*
220Texas Woman’s University *
Union Institute and University (OH)
Univ. of Arkansas―Little Rock 1*
Univ. of Massachusetts―Boston *
Univ. of Missouri―St. Louis *
Univ. of Southern Mississippi *
Univ. of Wisconsin―Milwaukee *
University of Akron (OH) *
University of Alaska―Fairbanks *
University of Bridgeport (CT)
230University of Central Florida *
University of Hartford (CT)
University of Houston *
University of Louisiana―Lafayette *
University of Memphis *
University of Nevada―Las Vegas *
University of New Orleans 11*
University of North Texas *
University of Northern Colorado *
University of South Alabama *
240University of Texas―Arlington *
University of Texas―El Paso *
University of Toledo (OH) *
Wayne State University (MI) *
Wichita State University (KS) *
Wilmington College (DE)
246Wright State University (OH) *
* 表示公立大学

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