日前,威久澳洲部接澳大利亚天主教大学国际办公室通知:澳洲ACU大学2010护士本科专业申请和接受offer截止日期将近,申请从速! Fw: URGENT Advice - ACU - Bachelor of Nursing at all campuses - advice regarding closure of applications and acceptance deadlines!详情请咨询威久澳洲留学专家:010-68946699转澳洲部!
澳大利亚天主教大学 The Australian Catholic University
澳大利亚天主教大学建校于 1991 年,是一所由政府资助的公立大学。虽然它忠实于天主教精神,但向一切宗教信仰和背景的人们开放,并努力按照基督教的原则和传统培养和促进教学、研究和学术成就。
虽然它忠实于天主教精神,但也向一切有宗教信仰和背景的人们开放,并努力按照基督教的原则进行传统培养和促进教学、研究,学术成就。澳大利亚天主教大学有 11 , 000 多名学生,保持教师数量与学生数量的高比率,有来自 35 个国家的国际学生。这是一所成长中的大学。教师、学生友善,国家宽容、安全。大学有六个校园。分别在昆士兰,新南威尔士(两个),澳大利亚首都地区,维多利亚(两个)。通过科技手段,各校园之间得到紧密联系。学生在任何一个校园都可以利用所有校园的资源。
Dear Agents,
As you may be aware, Nursing programs at Australian Catholic University are in high demand. As a result, the July 2010 intake is close to capacity. I am therefore writing to advise you that the University will shortly be closing all applications and acceptances to the Bachelor of Nursing July 2010 intake at all campuses.
Please note:
Applications will close on Friday 16 April 2010 at 5pm Sydney time. No new applications will be accepted for the Bachelor of Nursing commencing in July 2010 after this date.
Acceptances will also close on Friday 16 April 2010 at 5pm Sydney time for offers that have already been issued, regardless of the payment date on the offer letter. The signed "offer acceptance and payment advice" form and the required payment must be received by this date and time to confirm a place.
Applicants offered admission from today will be given a strict deadline to accept their offer. The required signed "offer acceptance and payment advice" form and the required payment must be received by the deadline on the offer letter to confirm a place.
If a student is currently applying for a PVA, a signed "offer acceptance and payment advice" form must be submitted by the above date and time to reserve a place. Agents will be required to provide a written statement that a PVA is being undertaken. PVA clearance will be required to finalise enrolment.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you and you clients.
Yours sincerely,
4.20莫纳什大学面试/免申请费 昆士兰大学商科提高录取要求》
澳ACU护士本科申请截止逼近》 澳弗林得斯大学2011护士名额》
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