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https://www.wiseway.com.cn 发表于:08-09-28 09:50:15 浏览: 10429 来源:


      现在再说一下我申请postdoc fellowship的经历。


      我知道的不会德语的中国人能申请的博士后奖学金:Humboldt,Marie Curie Incoming International Fellowship。若与生物方面有关还有:EMBO,Human Frontier Science Program, Schering。应该还有更多,谁知道的欢迎补充。另外博士生也应该调查一下可申请的奖学金,试一试总没有坏处。

      写申请报告当然是最重要的,要时刻想到评审人希望看到你提出的计划可以真正实施而不是纸上谈兵,所以不仅要有好的想法还要提供充足的preliminary data,最好是已发表的。具体怎么写我不罗嗦了,网上能查到很多。


      我同时申请了Humboldt,Marie Curie,HFSP,我自认为机会50%,因为写申请时我还没开做,不知该项目的底细,老板无名(postdoc刚做出来的,小小的一个group leader),但我发表论文较多(要感谢曾在UM被迫充当廉价劳力,有3篇第一作者和3篇合作)。结果出乎意料3个全中,我当然选个给钱最多的拉。

      其中Marie Curie(EU的钱)给了很详细的评价,节选如下,希望对其他申请人有帮助:

Strong points: 
      -This is an exceptional clear project focused on getting new and important insights into a very important problem of cell physiology. 
      -The experimental design is excellent.

      Weak points: 
      -However, additional in vivo experimentats would improve the application and could certainly add to the biological significance of the project.

      The applicant has a broad research experience. The applicant has a large number of publications, however only few in very good journals. The applicant has proven very good independent thinking. There is a perfect match between the applicants profile and the project. There is a very good potential to acquire new knowledge.The topic of the proposed project is perfectly in line with the candidate''''s previous research endeavors and the candidate is expected to have the required experience in the field to successfully conduct the proposed research programme.

      However, having established the laboratory only recently, it may not be fully organized yet, and some organizational adjustments may occur during the training period of the fellow. Infrastructure of the host laboratory is perfectly adequate for the proposed project.

Strong points: 
      -The outline of the project (management and workplan) is excellent. 
      -The applicant already started working in the host laboratory, and the practical arrangements for conducting the project are thus in place.

      Weak points: 
      -However, a detailed risk assessment is lacking.


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