谁拥有这家学校?校董会和学校之间是什么关系?校长就任多少年?校长本人是否教授课程?学校如何管教学生?过去五年内有多少学生被停课,或者驱逐出校?是因为什么原因?( Who owns this school? What is the school’s relationship to its board of directors? How long has the principle been here? Does he/she teach any classes? How does the school discipline students? How many students have been suspended or expelled in the past? For what reasons? )
老师是受雇标准是什么?他们有多少年经验?他们在此教育了多长时间? 他们的资历是什么,他们的薪水和公校教师相比如何?有哪些教师是可以进行特殊教育?私校教师不需要象公校教师那样必须有相关教育文凭才能受聘,这一点尤令科班出身的公校老师不满。(How does the school hire teachers? How many years of teaching experience do they have? How long have the teachers been here? What are their qualifications? How does their pay compare to that of public schools? What specialists do you have on staff? )
学校如何挑选学生?入学条件是什么?兄弟姊妹是否可以优先考虑?毕业生水平如何?毕业生大都去那里就学?(How do you select students? What are your entrance requirements? Do siblings have priority? What are the outcomes of graduation class? What schools do they attend when they finish? )
学校的教育标准是什么?教育风格如何?如何衡量该校与其他学校的学业标准?学生参与何种标准或者统一考试?有安排家庭作业吗?每个班最少和最多有多少学生?过去五年学生人数的变化?将来五年预计的变化?男女学生的比例?私校是否参与统考是自愿性质,由校方决定,所以其学生成绩未必能够直接与公校比较。( What are your academic standards? What is your teaching style? How do you measure your standard with other schools? What exams or contests do students take part in? Is homework a part of school policy? What is the minimum and maximum class size? How has the student numbers change in the last five years? What change do you anticipate in the next five years? What is the ratio of boys and girls?)
学校的图书馆有多少藏书?有多少台电脑可供教学使用?这些电脑是多少年新的?有无升级的计划?学校是否提供午餐订餐服务?午间休息和课后学校有何活动让学生参与?有没有校车接送?有没有课后托儿服务?(How large is your school library? How many computers do you have for education? How old are the computers? Is there any plan to upgrade? Does the school provide lunch plan? What activities are offered during lunch break and after school? Is transportation available? Do you provide after school day care service? )
过去五年中学费的涨幅是多少?计划将来的涨幅是多少?( How has the tuition fees risen in the past five years? What should we expect for the next few years?)
与同类相比,这间学校有何不同和优胜之处?(What similar schools in the area would you recommend we visit? What makes your school different?)